Do you remember the days of all your close friends huddled around a cootie catcher, moving your thumbs and index fingers while chanting? First to spell out a color, then counting, and finally waiting anxiously, hoping to reveal a fortune assuring you of wealth and fame.
You can bring this same excitement to your classroom AND practice math facts. Cootie catchers, also called chatter boxes or fortune tellers, are a quick fun way for students to practice the facts they need to know. The best part? You won’t have to nag, because they will beg to play with these.
Addition & Subtraction
Different versions to choose from depending on what facts you are working on from 1s to 10s.
What’s included
4 groups of facts with 2 separate versions.
- 1s, 2s, 3s
- 4s, 5s, 6s
- 7s & 8s
- 9s & 10s
Each group of facts has two versions.
#1 – students count on to add or count up to find the difference, then find “fortunes” inside. For example “Start at 5. Count on 2 more” and inside “You are awesome!”
#2 – students solve fast facts with the answers inside. For example, “13 – 7” and inside “6.”
Multiplication & Division
Different versions to choose from depending on what facts you are working on from 2s to 12s.
What’s included
4 groups of facts with 2 separate versions.
- 2s, 5s, 10s
- 3s, 4s, 6s
- 7s, 8s
- 9s, 11s, 12s
Each group of facts has two versions.
#1 – students skip count to multiply or find how many groups to divide and find “fortunes” inside. For example “skip count by 2s to 18” and inside “Your hard work will be recognized and appreciated.”
#2 – students solve fast facts with the answers inside. For example, “10 x 4” and inside “40.”
How to Fold:
Each pages comes with a visual guide showing students how to fold their papers. (Insert video as well?)
- Cut out the square.
- Turn over and fold each corner to the center.
- Turn over and fold each corner to the center again.
- Fold in half lengthwise and widthwise.
- Insert thumbs and index fingers to open and close the cootie catcher.
How to Play:
- Choose a word from the corner.
- Spell out the word while opening each side.
- Choose one from inside.
- Open each side while counting.
- Repeat 3 & 4.
- Choose one from inside to open and read the “fortune” or check the answer.
Example: Counting Up to find the Difference
- “Four”
- F-O-U-R
- “Start at 4. Count up to 15.”
- 5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15
- “Start at 5. Count up to 7.” 6-7
- Fortune: “You are magical!”
Ways to Use
Substitute, rainy day recess, long afternoons, filling 5-10 minutes, centers, early finishers
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