Fill out the form below and we’ll send you print and digital math centers right to your inbox!
Why our Math Centers?
Click the images to purchase the complete bundle of fifth grade math centers.
- The math activity sets include alignment guides for Common Core, TEKS, and Florida BEST math standards. This means you know students are practicing the skills you are required to teach. The learning goal is posted on each math game.
- There is a predictable routine. Each math topic has 3 math activities. (Math Sort, Matching Game, Clip Cards) The game structure is the same, so you won’t waste time teaching new games each week.
1 Page Recording Sheet
Each activity set comes with a 1 page tri-fold recording sheet.
- all 3 activities on one page!
- includes answers key
- keeps students accountable & organized!
- lists learning goal
Students can self-check using the included answer key.
All math activities come in digital format. The matching cards are in Google Slides. The clip cards and math sort are in Google Forms.
View your grade-level:
What if I don’t use Google Classroom?
You can download the Google Slides (matching cards) as a PowerPoint.
Edit the settings of the Google Forms so email log-in isn’t required. Now you can share the link using any online platform.
- Interactive Google Slides
- Includes 2 versions
- Version 1 is for practice and will prompt students to ‘go back and try again’ if they select the wrong answer
- Version 2 is in regular quiz format
- Auto-grading Google From quiz
5th Grade Math Skills
The fifth grade math centers bundle includes 3 activities for each of the following topics:
1 – Place Value
2 – Powers of 10
3 – Decimals
4 – Rounding
5 – Multiplication
6 – Division
9 – Divide Decimals
10 – Order of Operations
11 – Write & Interpret Expressions
12 – Form & Graph Ordered Pairs
14 – Line Plots with Fractions
15 – Measuring Volume
17 – Interpret Fractions as Division
19 – Multiplication as Scaling of Numbers
20 – Multiply Fractions (Word Problems)
21 – Dividing Fractions
22 – Coordinate Planes & Graphing
23 – Classifying Shapes & Hierarchy of 2D Shapes
Free Third Grade Math Centers
Fill out the form below and we’ll send you print and digital math centers right to your inbox!
What Teachers are Saying
“Great resource for practicing skills with distance learning. Students are able to self-check.
Catherine S.
I don’t use Google classroom (our district uses Microsoft) and have been able to use everything.
Thank you for another great resource!”
The activities in this resource are easy to prepare and there is a streamlined recording sheet to go with each set. The answer key that is provided allows each activity to be self checking. Since the overall structure of the three activities is repeated in each set, students already understand the directions. This allows them to focus on the content and saves time in rolling out new stations. Great resource!
Jana P.
“I have actually used this for both in-person and distance learning. They have worked great for trying to see if the students are understanding what we have been learning and for extra practice. They also make it easier, because there is one less thing for me to grade! Thank you for these!”
Gretchen L.
Distance Learning Ready!
Want flexibility? Try our print and digital math center bundles. They include the SAME activities in both print and digital formats. The digital formats are Google Classroom ready.
Click the images below to view the Fifth Grade Print & Digital Math Bundle.
Need this resource for another grade level? Choose your grade level below:
- 2nd Grade Print & Digital Math Bundle
- 3rd Grade Print & Digital Math Bundle
- 4th Grade Print & Digital Math Bundle
- 5th Grade Print & Digital Math Bundle
- 6th Grade Print & Digital Math Bundle
More FREE Math Centers
Click the links below and view for free upper elementary activities.
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