Collecting Emails
If you want students to enter their email address, select collect email address from the settings menu. An email form will automatically be inserted.

Only Allow Students to Submit Only Once

A – Limit to 1 response will require students to sign-in to their Google account.
B – Edit after submit will allow students to go back and change their answers.
If your students do NOT have Google accounts, be sure to uncheck all of the boxes in this section. This way, you can still share the Google Forms links and use quizzes – no Google account required! Note: Students will be able to submit their forms more than once.
Quizzes Settings
A – Make this a quiz allows you to turn Google Forms into graded quizzes.
B – Release grade allows students to see their scores immediately after they submit. You can change this to later if you include paragraph responses since those will be automatically counted incorrectly until you manually review them.
C – Respondent can see allows students to see exactly which questions they got incorrect. You’ll want to uncheck the see correct answers section if you want to give students the option to retake an assessment or practice assignment.
Still have questions?
Is there something else you’d like to know about using Google Forms in the classroom? Leave me a comment and I’ll add it to the list for a future blog post.
Where do I find these resources?
Want to give Google Forms a try? Click the links below to download a free copy!
Hi, do you have any google forms for working with integers, standard form, significant figures..
Will appreciate it
Thank you