Objectives: Students will be able to classify animals into major groups: vertebrates vs invertebrates, types of vertebrates (mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds), types of invertebrates (arthropods, insects, mollusks), and live birth vs hatch from eggs. Students will also be able to describe how plants and animals respond to seasonal changes and how plants use energy from the sun, air, and water to make food, and how the sun’s energy is passed along the food chain.
Unit 6 includes 7 days of science lesson plans!
- Day 1: Classifying Vertebrates
- Day 2: Classifying Invertebrates
- Day 3: Living Things and the Seasons
- Day 4: Food Chain
- Day 5: Lab Activity
- Day 6: Review with Passage and Crossword Puzzle
- Day 7: Unit Assessment
Each daily lesson and its resources are color coded making it easy to know what to use each day.
Day 1: Classifying Vertebrates
I’ve got your back! Investigate animals that have backbones and what characteristics make them fit into the mammal, fish, reptile, amphibian, or bird groups. Students will have fun sorting through the cards as they learn facts about animals and which category they belong to.
Day 2: Classifying Invertebrates
Explore these exciting, spineless animals. Students will love learning about what makes invertebrates unique and so fascinating to study. By the end of the lesson, students will become masters at categorizing invertebrates into their groups such as arthropods, insects, mollusks, and “other”.
Day 3: Living Things and the Seasons
To everything there is a season. Explore the seasons and the changes that plants and animals make to adapt to the four seasons of the year. Students will learn about migration, hibernation, germination, shedding, and dormant plants.
Day 4: Food Chain
We can see and feel the sun’s energy but how do we consume energy? Students will discover how the sun’s energy moves along the food chain from producers to consumers. By the end of this less, students will understand that without the sun, life on Earth would be impossible.
Day 5: Lab Activity
Make your own food chain! Choose an environment that is interesting to your class or for each student. This creative activity also makes for fun collaboration in small groups. Cut or draw your animals to see which animal is the first consumer.
Day 6: Review with Passage and Crossword Puzzle
Students will put together all of the vocabulary and skills acquired from this unit. Read the passage and answer the following questions. Vocabulary words are reviewed in a crossword puzzle.
Day 7: Unit Assessment
Give your students a chance to show what they have learned over the past six days.
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