Fractions are numbers that represent part of a whole.
This is one whole circle.
If the whole circle is divided into 2 equal pieces, it is cut in half.
There are 2 halves.
Each half is one half of the area of the whole circle.
The fraction 2/2 represents the circle that is cut in half.
The top number is called the numerator. The numerator represents how many pieces of the whole you have.
The numerator of this fraction is 2 because there are 2 green halves.
The number on the bottom of a fraction is the number of pieces there are in the whole.
The denominator of this fraction is 2, because there are 2 pieces in all.
Equal Parts
Shapes have to be divided into portions that are equal in size.
- The square is partitioned into thirds.
- There are 3/3 in the whole.
- 2/3 of the square is colored orange.
- 1/3 of the square is not colored.
- The rectangle is partitioned into fourths. Each quarter is equal in size.
- There are 4/4 in the whole.
- 3/4 of the rectangle is colored green.
- 1/4 of the rectangle is not colored.
Complete each sentence.
The circle is partitioned into _______.
There are ___ in the whole.
___ of the circle is colored yellow.
___ of the circle is not colored.
- The circle is partitioned into sixths.
- There are 6/6 in the whole.
- 5/6 of the circle is colored yellow.
- 1/6 of the circle is not colored.
Practice Problems
Complete the sentence.
___ of the rectangle is shaded purple.
What fraction represents the unshaded portion of the circle?